License Writing

We Will Write Your State License

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Higher Education Consulting
We Will Write Your Required State License Or We Will Assist You With Writing Your Required State Licensure, First Time or Annual.

Every Institution is required to have a State License to operate or issue a diploma. This can be a very difficult and time consuming process. Every Institute is required to report to the state annually. It is not necessary for an Institution to hire a full time staff to facilitate this process. Documents are only required to be submitted once annually. The use of our Consulting Firm will save a large amount of revenue. Every state has very specific criteria and standards which must be adhered to in great detail.

Our Education Consultants are skilled professionals who have in-depth knowledge of State Licensure Procedures.

This process involves the orchestration of specific required information, publications and faculty. Our Highly Trained Staff will write and/or assist you in writing all of the required criteria.

Policy and Procedure Manual
Student Hand Book
Faculty Hand Book
Administrative Hand Book
Employee Hand Book
Professional Printing and Binding of all materials

Academic Calendar
Academic Year
Admissions Procedures
Admission Requirements
Annual Financial Audits
Advisors Board
Application for Students
Application for Employment

Board of Directors
By Laws

Class Registration Cards
Class Room Contents
Course Descriptions
Course Numbering
Courses Assigned

Degrees Earned
Disability Policies
Dissertations and/or Thesis
Distribution of Credits

Employee Education
Equal Opportunity Statement

Faculty Files
Fee Policy
Financial Standards



Job Descriptions
Job Placement

Library and Research Facilities
Library Cards

Mission Statement

Prior Transcripts
Prior Diplomas
Philosophy and Objectives

Refund Policy

Significance of the Institutes Name
Student Files
Student ID

Text, Supplies and special Fees
Tuition and Fees

Use of the word College or University in the Institutes Name

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